Embracing Resistance: A Shamanic Journey to Resilience and Transformation

Embracing Resistance: A Shamanic Journey to Resilience and Transformation

Join our workshop for a healing shamanic journey exploring resistance's transformative power for growth and resilience.

By Laura Heart

Date and time

June 15 · 9:30am - June 16 · 3pm CEST



Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


Day 1: Awakening the Inner Self

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Opening Ceremony

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Meeting the True Nature of Oneself

Exploring the essence of self through the perspectives, wisdom, and rituals of diverse ancient cultures such as Andean cosmology, Amazonian healing traditions, and Taoist Tantra.

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Understanding the Our Essence

Engaging in contemplative reflections and practices exploring the dynamics of Feminine and Masculine energies, the elemental forces of nature, and the sanctity of our energetic presence.

1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Intimate Inner Exploration

* Guided shamanic journey (exploration of the current obstacles, internal divisions, and separations from our true nature) * Working with the discoveries from the Journey through different rituals a...

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Purification Ceremony

- Fire Ceremony: Releasing Old Patterns and Inviting Transformation - Smudging ceremony: purifying the Body Mind & Spirit with Mapacho & Plants (this ceremony doesn´t implies the consumption of any p...

Day 2: Deepening the Connection with Self

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Grounding and Centering Practices

Techniques for Inner Balance and Stability

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Guided Inner Journey: Delving Deeper into Self-Exploration

*Guided meditation & *Engaging in methods to realign inner resilience while embracing the zest for vibrant living

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Harmonizing the Self

Techniques & Rituals for Maintaining Energetic Boundaries & Daily Habits

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Group Sharing Circle:

Experiences and Insights

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Closing Ceremony

Water blessing Ceremony - Gratitude, Integration, and Honoring the Journey

About this event

  • 1 day 5 hours

🌿Welcome, seekers of wisdom and transformation, to "Embracing Resistance: A Shamanic Journey to Resilience and Transformation." Within the sacred circle of our gathering, we embark on a profound voyage of self-discovery.

Together, we shall dance with resistance and growth, weaving our bodies and minds into harmony with the rhythms of the Earth. Through ancient rites and modern practices, we shall unlock the hidden potential within everyday challenges, transforming them into sacred portals of evolution.

In the sacred fire's flickering light, we nourish our bodies and minds, honoring the wisdom of ancient nourishment practices. With each mindful bite and sip, we ingest the life force of the Earth, fueling our journey towards wholeness.

Silent whispers will guide us as we delve into the power of words and silence, learning to speak from the heart and listen with compassion. Through the alchemy of mindful communication, we shall forge deeper connections with ourselves and each other.

With the beat of the drum as our guide, we journey inward, exploring the vast landscapes of our spirits. Through meditation and spiritual practices, we shall cultivate inner peace and clarity, untethering ourselves from the distractions of the modern world.

In the sacred library of our minds, we shall embrace the commitment to learning, thirsting for knowledge and wisdom to enrich our souls. Through the act of reading and continuous growth, we shall expand our perspectives and deepen our understanding of the world around us.

As we emerge from the depths of our inner journey, we shall confront the challenges of our daily lives with renewed vigor and resilience. With courage in our hearts, we shall overcome procrastination and embrace our tasks with purpose and intention.

With each step on this shamanic journey, we shall shape ourselves into beings of resilience, wisdom, and boundless potential. As we integrate these ancient teachings into our lives, we become architects of our own evolution, walking the path of transformation with grace and strength.

🌿 I eagerly await our reunion amidst the gentle embrace of nature's embrace. 🌿

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