
Centro de Ayuda

Organizar un evento

Understand the performance of your Eventbrite Ads campaign

Once you've created an Eventbrite Ad, you can track its performance from the campaign summary within Marketing Tools. Your campaign summary will show you how much traffic your ad has generated.

En este artículo

  • View your campaign summary
  • Campaign summary details

View your campaign summary

To view your campaign performance data and summary:

  1. Go to Marketing Tools.

  2. Select Eventbrite Ads.

  3. Select the event you promoted to view your campaign summary.

This page summarizes your ad campaign details, including your total tickets sold, gross sales, total ad spend, campaign budget and duration, and performance metrics.

Campaign summary details

Your campaign summary shows the following information:



Tickets sold

How many tickets were sold during your campaign.

Gross sales

How many sales in total were generated during your campaign.

Ad spend

How much your total campaign has cost.


The total cost this campaign will accrue per day for this campaign. Select Increase your budget if you'd like to increase your campaign's budget.


How long your campaign is set to run. Select Extend your campaign to adjust your campaign's end date.


The number of times your ad was shown across Eventbrite.


The number of times people clicked to view your promoted event.

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